Learn How To Create A Great Home Bar

If you have recently purchased a new home and plan to entertain on a regular basis, you may want to make sure that you have a well-stocked bar to allow you to make drinks for guests when they come over to your house. It is important to make sure that you have everything you need to make delicious drinks in your home bar. The following guide walks you through everything you need to get from your local liquor store to ensure your bar is as well stocked as it can possible be.

Bar Tools

When you start a home bar, you need to be sure that you have the proper tools needed to be able to make many different types of drinks. Shaker tins, strainers, and measurers are essential when creating the best home bar that you possibly can. To create a formal look in your bar, be sure that all of the pieces match one another.


When creating drinks, you will need mixers to mix into the drinks to create tasty concoctions. Sour mix, daiquiri mix, margarita mix, and assorted sodas are standard mixers that every bar needs to have on hand at all times.


You want to be sure that you have an assortment of liquors available at your bar, too. The five liquor staples are gin, rum, vodka, bourbon, and tequila. Have a bottle of each of these liquors are you will be able to make a large assortment of drinks for your guests. While you do not need to buy the very best liquor the store has available, choosing a higher grade of liquor ensures a better taste because higher grade liquor is often filtered more times than the lower grade liquor. When you go into the store, an associate can help you determine which the lower grades are and which the higher grades of liquor are.


Having a few great recipe books available is also a good idea. You cannot become a mixologist overnight and having a recipe to try allows your guests to get a taste of drinks that they would have otherwise never tried. Be sure that the recipes include drinks that are made from the staple ingredients that you have on hand and pay attention to the directions to ensure that you layer, shake, or stir the ingredients the way that they are meant to be added together.

Once you have all of the tools, mixers, spirits, and recipes you need, you will be ready to start mixing drinks for your friends. Don't be afraid to try new drinks. You'll never know if you like something until you try it. To learn more, contact a liquor store like Universal Discount Package Store
